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    Porn & Sex Addiction Resources

    You can find a list of sexuality-focused 12-Step recovery groups on any web page that lists 12-Step groups generally, such as Sober Nation.

    For the Partners of Those in Recovery:

    Journey to Healing and Joy

    PoSARC – Partners of Sex Addicts Resource Center

    Daily Strength: Sex/Pornography Addiction Support Group

    For Survivors of Incest/Trauma:

    Survivors of Incest Anonymous

    Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Anonymous

    RAINN (victims of sexual assault)

    Recoveries Anonymous for Survivors of Sexual Assault

    Apps for Quitting Porn:

    NoFap Emergency App


    Support Forums for Problematic Sexual Behaviors:

    Reboot Nation


    r/NoFap subreddit

    r/PornFree subreddit

    r/NoFap Teen subreddit

    r/NoFap Christians subreddit

    Feed The Right Wolf

    Porn Filtering, Accountability:

    Cisco OpenDNS (free)

    Esafely (free)

    Qustodio (free) 

    Other Resources:

    PornHelp.org – Exhaustive resources for porn recovery, easy to use site

    Scoop It: Sex Addiction

    Recovery Nation

    PornFree Radio

    Building the New – Porn addiction recovery through Mindfulness & Compassion

    Wiki on porn recovery – Good tips on avoiding porn and porn recovery.

    Your Brain on Porn


    Purify Your Gaze (Muslim)

    Catholic Men Conquer Porn

    RECLAiM Sexual Health (Catholic)

    Proven Men
